The Secret Weapon of Successful Upwork Proposals (It’s Not What You Think)

Syeda Madiha A.
2 min readMay 26, 2024


Photo by Sincerely Media on Unsplash

Alright, let’s talk Upwork proposals.

We’ve all been there — staring at a blank screen, frantically refreshing to see a notification or a message.

Here’s the thing: there’s no secret code or fancy template that guarantees clients will hire you.

But there is a secret weapon, and it’s probably not what you expect.

Forget about trying to sound like a robot with ten years of experience (even if you’re a total newbie).

Clients can sniff out generic proposals a mile away.

The real secret weapon?

Understanding the client and showing them you actually get it.

Think about it. Would you rather hire someone who throws a templated proposal your way, or someone who talks about your specific needs and how their skills perfectly fit the project?

Case closed.

Here’s how to unlock the power of this secret weapon:

  • Become a detective: Read the project description like a mystery novel. What are the client’s pain points? What are their goals? Underline key details and tailor your proposal to address them directly. They should know it’s YOU talking to THEM.
  • Speak their language: Don’t bombard them with technical jargon or fancy words (it’s not your language test) . Use clear, concise language that shows you understand their industry and the challenges they face.
  • Show, don’t tell: Don’t just list your skills. Demonstrate their value by mentioning a past project with similar goals and the amazing results you achieved. This builds trust and shows you’re not just words on a screen.

By focusing on understanding the client and crafting a proposal that speaks directly to their needs, you’ll be miles ahead of the generic copy-paste crowd.

This “secret weapon” builds trust, showcases your value, and makes you stand out in a sea of proposals.

Now, there are still some awesome tips and tricks to writing killer proposals quickly — but that’s a story for another day.

In the meantime, put on your detective hat, unlock the power of understanding, and watch your Upwork game transform!



Syeda Madiha A.

Copywriter | Top Rated on Upwork | Write emails, website copy, social media posts for busy mompreneurs/solopreneurs | DM for details